Just a quick translation of one of the many TV magazines featuring Kinpuri on the front cover this month.
TVfan: Has the reality of debut hit you yet?
Kishi: It really has. We’re doing so many interviews and I don’t think I’ve ever had so many pictures taken in my life!
Jinguji: It’s real life~
Ren: I’m thankful.
TVfan: How was your first MV shooting?
Ren: I thought the set was really amazing. It really was like the inside of a castle.
Kaito: Also the the production is really good so we look like we’re in purikura the whole time.
Jinguji: They really made sure we always look our best.
Kishi: The set changes depending on the scene and the atmosphere was…erotic! In a good way.
Kaito: Can you be erotic in a bad way? (laugh)
Genki: There’s a sexy feel to it.
Kishi: Anyway it was really amazing.
Kaito: It certainly was amazing and flamboyant.
Genki; It’s like something from a movie right?
Kishi: It’s like living inside a dream.
Sho: It sparkles just as much as the song so you can lose yourself in the MV and it feels as if you really are in that world.
TVfan: Everyone is looking forward to a concert after debut. Is there anything you’d like to try at a concert?
Sho: I always say this but I’d like to appear on a throne.
Genki: For the opening right?
Ren: It’s the first time I’m hearing about this.
Kaito: That was my idea!
Sho: It’s a good idea if I do say so myself.
Kaito: I’ve been saying that for a while.
Jinguji: Oh, sorry Kaito.
Kaito: Huh?
Ren: We didn’t hear you at all (laugh)
Kaito: It’s fine, I’m fine continuing on by myself.
Sho: What do I want to try? Living on a deserted island!
All: Ahahaha.
Jinguji: We’re talking about concerts! A deserted island is not a concert venue.
Sho: What do you mean? I don’t understand.
Genki: What do you want to try during a concert!
Jinguji: I want us to come out driving sports cars…or riding bicycles.
Kaito: Bicycles?
Sho: Oh I see. Well I…yeah.
Kaito: You’re not going to finish that thought? That’s rare.
Sho: No if I have something to say I’ll say it (laugh)
Jinguji: How about if we all appear on stage in different ways? Kishi can come down from above on a rope.
Ren: Tarzan! (laugh)
Kishi: At least make me the punchline. If you say mine first it’s boring.
Kaito: At least you know you should be the punchline (laugh)
Sho: Let’s think about how we should all enter.
Kaito: I’ll be sitting on a throne…
Genki: No that’s already been rejected.
Kishi: How about Kaito comes in with a cobra?
Ren: Haa?
Kishi: We should match it to everyone’s characters.
Kaito: That’s not my character, that’s my appearance!
Sho: Oh so Kaito is like Aladdin, you mean?
Kishi: We could dress like different countries’ Kings.
Kaito: Yeah, during the performance we could appear in costumes of different countries’ Kings and Princes, that’s actually not a bad idea. For example wearing an Arabian Nights type costume.
Sho: Then we can gather on the centre stage and shake hands like it’s a world summit and then Cinderella Girl will start playing.
Kaito: Yes! That’s cool!
Ren: Isn’t a world summit a bit much? I can’t picture it.
Kaito: Eh, no way~
Ren: Conversely I’d say no way to your idea (laugh). Eh, can everyone else imagine it?
Genki: Fufu (laugh)
Ren: Don’t give me those questioning faces (laugh) I don’t get the aim at all!
Jinguji: We dress up as the most important person from different countries, shake hands on stage and then it’s like “Kimi ha~” right?
Ren: It feels like it’s the Olympics (laugh)
Genki: We need to make it understood all over the world!
Sho: I’m really looking forward to it now! (laugh)