Already spring?

Apr 18, 2013 21:43

Alrighty, finishing up on the last season before I post about the new season.

Magi 23-25! the end of season one. Another anime which veered off and gathered way too many random bad guys to fight the good guys in one huge battle for no reason. Ali baba's personality grated on my nerves throughout the series and Aladdin seemed to be 'powerless' at inconvenient times. And Sinbad wasn't as interesting as he should have been until the end. Morgiana was the only highlight of the show. Go girl power! ~6/10 rating~ They did show some interesting characters at the end, but it is unlikely that I will watch the next season.

Senyu. 13! the end of season one. Plot twist...the end. Not worth watching, but the first couple episodes were fun. It got dull when they tried to create a real plot. ~7/10 rating

Hunter x Hunter 2013 75! Love the massively positive attitude Gon has after getting his hand blown off. And the good guy viewpoint towards their opponents. After that, Gon, Killua and Biscuit win the Greed Island game....the end of that arc. One more arc to go. I wonder if they'll draw it out to an even 100 episodes?

Chihayafuru S2 13-14! It's a high tension match against the girls' team, but Mizusawa prevails.

magi, chihayafuru, hunter x hunter, senyu.

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