Ongoing anime...

Jan 10, 2013 20:52

Magi 13! features a new opening by Porno Graffitti and new ending song by supercell; nothing special...was hoping for something interesting like Saudade. Alibaba confronts the king. Morgiana continues to be a kickass female character.

Hunter x Hunter 2012 61! Most of the episode was instructional. I remember a beeoootiful sunset conversation in the first series. This time, the cute friendship conversation takes place on the street...with pastels.

Zetsuen no Tempest 13! darn, this isn't a quickie anime. Episode 13 is mostly a flashback episode...halfway through the series, and they've skipped ahead a month. There's a new ending theme song, but no new opening...most likely attached to next week's episode. Anyway, Mahiro has been sleeping/dreaming at Samon's place. Yoshino is obviously with Hakaze.

magi, hunter x hunter, zetsuen no tempest

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