Arakawa Under the Bridge 1! jdrama! Hey, another 30 minute drama. Based on the manga of the same title, a young businessman, Kou Ichinomiya, is saved by a self-proclaimed Venusian girl living under the Arakawa bridge. Since he hates being in debt to anyone, he agrees to become her lover. While I like the quirky story, the anime was better at timing its jokes. The drama picks up a little near the end. [FYI,
Ouran and
Arakawa are being speed-subbed by the same group.]
No. 6 5! The background voice in the opening song sounds like Sugizo, but it's not. The song is by LAMA...There are
cute lamas halfway through the PV. Safu attending school in No. 5 and Nezumi playing Ophelia on stage both hear the same song and...pass out. Interesting character developments happening in the episode. There's a lovely, lovely dance scene, too. It was fairly brilliant in terms of everything the episode covered, and how pretty the animation was.
Usagi Drop 5! We see Rin's mother who is a ditzy, young mangaka. Daikichi and Rin are adorable. I like the little extras before the episodes starts.
Mawaru Penguindrum 5! Ringo redeems herself after being such a dull character the previous episodes. The Imagine scene was actually funny..
BLOOD-C 5! It doesn't even come near the above shows in terms of entertainment, but the episode did attempt to reveal a little of the plot in a sad, lame scary story scene. My guess is that the dog knows everything.