Extreme winter, now an extreme summer...

Jul 23, 2010 19:08

The easiest way to post about kdramas is usually summarizing them since the writers like to squish as much drama and twists into one episode as they can sometimes. That causes alot of highs and lows when watching. I think jdramas episodes usually revolve around 1 idea/incident/activity, so it's easier to make an opinion on what happens.

Bad Guy 11-12! In these episodes, Gun-wook does well to mess up the Haeshin Group's reputation, but stumbles a bit covering his tracks.

Jae-in's blabbermouth coworker makes some off-color remarks about her relationship with Tae-seong which he overhears...which temporarily ruins his relationship with Jae-in; food consoles him later...haha. We learn that the death that the detectives are investigating is actually a suicide...sorta, she slipped out of Gun-wook's hand which was hinted at in episode 1. Episode 12...haha! Mo-ne gives Gun-wook a ball-jointed goth doll dressed like himself, because she is jealous when he talks to others...amusingly crazy gift! Gun-wook declares he doesn't want true revenge for the family's past actions/apathy, but now wants to watch the family's tragedies from a distance, but the first-born son dies. I guess the writers try to make him blameless in a way, since the family's faults are their own, but really, he has given them the big nudge towards the cliff. And whoops..the end of episode 12. Gun-wook x Tae-ra aren't the cutest couple, but it's 'nice' that he tries to get her to rise above her meek position. They've already mentioned a couple times that she directly or indirectly holds most of the company's stock. It's a shame she has no backbone. Maybe getting laid will boost her morale.

kdramas, bad guy

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