Oh yeah, Avatar...*yawn* did the $500 million budget included thousands of cgi fairies and one writer that was paid in hot dogs?
There are only 2 manga blogs I follow and one of them doesn't update anymore. I did eventually read up on the xxxHolic roundtable---I mean, I read the
round-up to see if there was anything worth reading. The more enjoyable posts are by those who don't like it;
this guy,
this guy,
this guy,
this gal-maybe...and then
this post. All in all, wtf did I spend 15 minutes on?
For more interesting topics that might have some coherency and at least some laughs...
Death Note to child psychologists and priests
Full Metal Alchemist and/or Naruto to Superman fans
Love Mode and/or Junjou Romantica to guys at a gay bar
Yotsuba& to everyone/anyone
--and review