Just read these recently...
Koukou Debut: Typical high school shoujo tomboy and good-looking boy relationship, but very funny and it's complete.
Aitsu no Daihonmei: An ugly guy likes a sadistic good-looking guy in a soft boy-love manga. Also funny.
Flat: A high school student becomes friends with his young cousin in a slice-of-life manga. Plain adorable little kid.
Spice and Wolf S1 6! It's only episode 6, so of course, Horo and Lawrence are ok after the pyrite drama. It felt like there was something missing in all that trading business, but I suppose the interesting part was the end. Was right about Deanna.
Dogs, Bullets & Carnage OAD 3! is about the blade maiden, Naoto. Fanservice for da boyz. Tried to get into this manga, but eh...zzz. I like these one-shot anime episodes.
There's a new female vocalist for HMC, but can't say any of the new songs on 'swamp man' stand out as something I really like. Halca's voice is similar to Maki's, but has the potential to sound stronger (less strained, I guess). The new album sounds heavier (titles include goodbye, pain, hate?...possibly their new daaark image?).