The song does not save them...thank god.

Mar 23, 2009 23:03

One more episode for both of these shows...(that first screencap is the happy space drug)

Gundam 00S2 24! *spoilers* Setsuna spreads his love around via fairy dust just in time to save everyone, and makes everyone extremely giddy with warm feelings....EXCEPT Lockon who holds onto his revenge and kills off Ali Al...since he was just a plain bad man. Tiera's Trial Field was an ugly Gundam. Who thought that a Gundam needed a Gundam Face as a chestplate. I'm soooo glad Marina's song was not the thing that saves them all. And the Innovade vs. Innovators? I was amused by all the characters' names, but Innovade? wtf.

Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou 12! Ah ha, a climactic episode which brings in Taki, Natori and Natsume's school friends together. The youkai with the axe was pretty creepy. Part 2 airs next week where Natsume has to decide whether it is youkai or humans that are the crappiest species.

And Nyanko-sensei was darn always.

gundam00, natsume yuujinchou, anime

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