Half the weekend gone...

Dec 26, 2008 22:28

Though we made a half-arsed attempt to avoid it, we still ended up with family yesterday. haha. We seemed to have gotten an overload of Narnia; so much so that we got curious and bought some turkish delight. Not bad for some random candy, but not worth selling your soul over.

Nodame Cantabile -Paris-hen- 11! the end of season two. From summer break to the new school year, this episode features Chiaki starting his first official season with the Marlet orchestra. This was a great second season. The production was consistent and the story continued to charm. While the first season thrived on wackiness and novelty, this season focused on Nodame and Chiaki maturing as musicians and as a couple. There was far less commentary on the music. ~9/10 rating~ for this season; minus 1 for the bland opening song and still-freakish computer movements. I wonder how they will try to differientiate the third season. Can't wait for the live-action movies.

Tales of the Abyss 13! So Luke wasn't Luke and now, Natalia is not Natalia. Is Mieu really Mieu?

Soul Eater 38! Black Star gets Kid to give him a pounding. Is this show turning in to Naruto where they are running out of material and then slowing down the pace? Maaan, take a break and skip a season.

soul eater, nodame cantabile, tales of the abyss, anime

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