No snow, plenty of rain

Dec 16, 2007 09:17

Hachikuro jdrama CM doesn't look too bad. wheee.

Finished this while back, but couldn't think of what to write about it.
Ushi ni Negai wo 7-11! the end. Need to be in a lukewarm chicken soup mood to watch this.

In episode 7-8, Katsuya's mother deteriorates and Katsuya's troubled situation at their horse farm takes a bad turn. There's a pretty sunflower field though. Credits to the writers who try to make viewers aware of financial troubles farms go through and showing us their options when they do need governmental help. Though it's a shame that the ratings were pretty poor for this show despite the star-filled cast. It's probably due to the lack of comedy and the abundant sap. The alien revelation turned out to be a let down, too. Anyway, as the town dreaded, the local government decided to merge the town with another. This causes everyone to fear that their small farms will be closed for strip malls or something. The people rally, Takashimizu and the others enter a cow show and horse race, and and...and...the authorities reconsider. I guess since they flashforward a couple years, the people succeed in not losing their farms just yet. The show was visually excellent with a lovely setting, reeeally clean animals and pretty actors/actresses. The story, however, contain good intentions, but didn't quite push the emotions they tried to make the audience feel; like how hard it was for farmers---didn't look too hard to me. ~6/10 rating~ for an original story outside of what I usually like and one hot farmer.

Mushishi live-action movie - was pretty boring the first time I browsed through it, but was less so with subtitles. The movie's story ties together a few of the stories by linking Ginko's past with a present form of Nui and with the rainbow-chasing guy. That being said, Ginko's personality seemed more vunerable during most of the movie and contained less of the cool detachment that I was used to from the anime series. Though I think Odagiri Joe is an interesting actor, his Ginko was lacking due partially from the somewhat confusing script. I'm pretty sure that non-fans who see 'Bugmaster' will be disappointed. The trailer makes it seem more action-filled and supernatural than the movie portrays. The special effects at Tanyu's place were nice, but were less impressive elsewhere. And too much silence during the film made it hard to sit through. ~7/10 rating~ Though somewhat disappointing, I would like to read this part of the Nui storyline in the manga. Anyone know which volumes have her conclusion? wiki fails with the manga summary.

ushi ni negai wo, jdramas, mushishi

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