Claymore 24! This ending arc seems to be the only part to stray from the manga as the anime tries to wrap things up. Priscilla sorta remembers the past only to confuse Clare with Theresa. Oh no, Daddy's eating sister. Priscilla and Clare face off.
Baccano 5! It's hard to summarize this since the story is made up of flashbacks and flashforwards of different groups of characters that cross over each other. All I can say is that the animation and intrigue and humor are great. It might be a show that would be good to watch in bulk. This episode shows us Jacuzzi Splot's gang of abnormally strong people. We also see how Firo and Maiza meet. *tru luba*
And for the boy-smut lovers...
Dengenki online has confirmation of the Junjo Romantica anime. The website just says its in production (no details), but has a cute promo pic.
Why did I think Hanakimi was 11 episodes? there's another one next week. oops.
Hanakimi 11! Why did the close-ups of their hairy legs surprise me? Ah~ the cheerleader dance to Avril's 'Girlfriend' words. Cute episode and I think Umeda-sensei was wearing more lipstick than usual in this episode.