Ouran Koukou Host Club 17! is a humorous episode revolving around Kyouya. Tamaki and gang drag a sleeping Kyouya to a commoner's mall. They run off to have fun leaving Kyouya behind without a wallet or cell. I do love that WcDonalds appears all shows. The facial expressions of Kyouya and Haruhi are great in this episode. Haruhi's analysis of Kyouya was interesting. It made me want to see the background stories of how Tamaki met everyone in the club. Fun episode..ya!
Honey and Clover II 5! brings Yamada's weepiness to a sorta end and starts Morita and Kaoru's story. Takemoto's admiration of Mayama was very cute. Another good episode from this series. I've never smelled olive groves before. The health spa looked like odd fun. ++
Welcome to NHK! 3! I skipped episode 2...whoops. It's odd that an anime show about the patheticness of otakus...and/or hikikomori is so well-made...that it'll just attract the thing that it criticizes. Anyway, besides the Roundtable link, this show is also similar to Chobits in terms of character design and visual production...set and other stuff. There's also the "even seemingly pathetic losers deserve love" theme running through the anime. Not sure what this is really about (encouraging viewers to live life or saying it's ok to be like that), but the show is again, well-contructed. Nevertheless, end of the road for me; the comedic moments aren't too successful. The main character obsessing over naked girls gets old. The female character who wants to make 'project' out of him isn't too interesting. Sooooo, no fun...('cept for....haha, use qoogle and mindows xx for porn-search...hhahahaa).
Innocent Venus 1! I did the fastforward version of viewing this new show. Jin and Jo and random comedic kid try to protect Sana from the military. Much of the population of Earth was destroyed by hurricanes. A new system of living was devised where the rich get richer and the poor live in slums. huh. The anime is trying to be serious, action-packed and cute via Sana...code name, Venus. It's a bit dull 'though it might pick up since it is slated for only 12 episodes.
Nana 16! eyeballs and noses are randomly placed on the characters' heads. Ren's relationship to Nana is revealed to Hachi. *snooze*