belated hello!

Sep 10, 2008 11:19

Character: Takemoto Yuta
Series: Honey and Clover
Age: 22
Job: Failed Relationship Counselor
Canon: College is a crazy time when you can spend nights on end without sleep, have more alcohol than blood in your veins, and make friends with people that haven't bathed in days. Oh, and attend classes so you can graduate and get a Real Job. Honey and Clover is the story of five art students as they grow up, following them in their experiences of love, work, and discovering the world around them and their selves.

Aptly nicknamed after a Shiba dog, Takemoto is the puppy of the series that is kicked by life repeatedly. Not only is he left completely out of the running by his love interest, Hagu, Takemoto encounters difficulty in finding his way in life. Prone to introspection, he hesitates and fumbles around others often, keeping his thoughts to himself. He is a Nice Guy, though, looking after even his ill-mannered housemate with enduring patience. Even when everything around him becomes hectic, Takemoto passes it off with a self-deprecating laugh, to the anxiety of others. He easily switches from moral conscience of the group to an overeager and zealous partner in crime.

Note: Takemoto is being taken from his trip to Hokkaido, before reaching Wakkanai.

Sample App:

Getting a job so easily like this... It's kind of nostalgic. I wish I had this kind of luck with the lottery, to end up in the right place, at the right time, even when I'm lost. It almost feels like this camp will end in a few hours, before I even get to let having a job sink in. --Not that I want to! I'd like for it to be open for a very long time. It looks nice from all of the, uh, forest I've seen. So, I'm happy to help even if I don't think I'm the best person for the job. I don't really have a lot of experience with things like being rejected or, um, "not getting the girl"-- Ah, no. It says here that I do. There's even a very long resume... Ahaha. I guess I can get down to work now, since I have all of these files already. Oh, they even included my pay... A free bed and food? Thank you, Ms. Director!! I'll work very hard!

Everyone! I'm Takemoto Yuta, age twenty-two, your, um, Failed Relationship Counselor. It's nice to meet you! It says here that my job is to help everyone who couldn't nail-- I don't think it should be called nailing someone. It's mean, and people will get the-- wrong idea!! Put the hammer down, please! It means the person you love doesn't love you the same way or they are dating someone else instead-- Not assault with hardware. Aaah, he already lost one eye to a clamp! L-Let him keep the other one! We're supposed to be talking about your feelings and how to get past your, um, failed relationships, n-not causing more, real pain. Now, it says there's a counselor for "capturing your prey at all costs" here, but I don't think that'd be a good-- Haaa, they all left.

Huh? Oh, I didn't see you in the back. You can come closer since it's just us. --Um, maybe not so close... I mean, t-that's fine. I think it'd be better to talk to everyone privately like this, since things like this are very personal, aren't they? --A-Ah, are you sure you're feeling alright? It can be depressing when you're rejected, but you shouldn't let yourself go like this. That's the first step, really. You can be sad for awhile, but you have to keep on going. After this, you should definitely get a shower and a good meal in you. I'll even treat you! To be able to say something like this... Truly, thank you, Ms. Director!

No, you can't keep thinking about why they rejected you. Even if you aren't the smartest, you have lots of other good things about you, like, ah, your unique complexion and really good eye contact. Even with just o-one! I'm sure you'll meet someone who will appreciate all those good things about you. You just have to believe they're out there and you'll find them. It might be really hard right now, but you'll definitely find a way. And just because you weren't what he-- ahaha, um, she was looking for, but you should still try to be friends. It's still nice to to be close to them even if you weren't the one... Ahaha, but it's too soon for that, isn't it? I-I felt a little pain too.

--Ah, I'm sorry! I kept going on like that when I'm supposed to listen to you. See? That's one of the things you're good at too-- Listening... Even without ears! A-Ahaha, that must be why you stayed.

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