Star Wars fan films

Oct 05, 2010 22:47

In 2005 Jane and I heard about this Star Wars fan film called I.M.P.S.
We found it, downloaded it and found it both well done and lots of fun to watch.
The full title of this short film was "I.M.P.S. Chapter 1, Davenport", where I.M.P.S. stands for Imperial Military Personnel Stories.
The voice over in the movie makes it sound like some kind of recruitment video for the Empire. The dialogue of the characters and their actions are, well, not quite in concert with that.
And that's one of the main attractions of this movie. The other one is their loving attention to detail and the "feel" of the Star Wars universe (everything is dirty).
So as I was having a lonely dinner tonight I decided to view "I.M.P.S. Chapter 1" once again, I thought to look if an "I.M.P.S. Chapter 2" had been released yet. And after a bit of googling I found their website again: and lo and behold! A new chapter was available for download!
It's not quite as much fun as the first chapter, but worth downloading nevertheless.
Download links are available on their site. Have fun with them!
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