Jul 16, 2005 01:08
so yeah i havent updated in a long time so i guess i will. so i am now a McSlave(i work at mcdonalds) and well so far ive had to work lobby the entire time i do believe that they might let me do fries starting tomorow but i dont know and so yeah if you ever drive by the mcdonalds on kennewick avenue and 395 and see me sweating my ass off cleaning up the parking lot you should stop and bring me some water cause mcdonalds doesnt like to give real substenance to its workers. but its all good because august first im going to get my first paycheck and take my love to dinner(that isnt at mcdonalds lol) and so thats well thats been the major excitement lately.
ahhh today was just sooo beautiful(i guess yesterday) i woke up and played guitar for a ong while and then jessi came over and we went to DSW for a nice glass of iced tea(it was mango and all i can say is YUM!)and ran into mrs feller. and just managed to spend an hour or an hour and a half just talking about everything and enjoying our iced tea(it was soooooooooooooo nummy). then just kind of wandered over to o'henry's and had some nummy breaklunch and i just had this huuuuuuuuuuge fricken sandwich and it was nummy and 7 dollars which was expensive but well worth it. and then we just wandered around town and ended up at my house and just hung out till about 8 and it was just wonderful and yeah im sooooooooo in love with this wonderful perfect woman.
so on monday i leave for a week to go to disneyland in california!!! it will be lots of fun but ill miss the total of 1 person ive seen all summer lol so yeah you people should call me on my cell number if you dont know what it is that might be/probably is for a good reason but email me or myspace me and ill get back to you about it.
your lord and master