Oct 25, 2007 23:07

 Happy Birthday
jamiesdream !!!!

I hope you're having a truly wonderful day surrounded by your friends and family and having loads of fun and CAKE! Cause you gotta have cake! It's like a law, or something... =P

We've been out of touch recently but LJ has these really useful reminders and I couldn't let the occasion slip by unnoticed!! *throws confetti*

In other news, I've gone ahead and bought myself a new shirt and a new sweater today! =D So yay for that! Shopping annoys me something fierce so it's not something I do very often. =P The shirt's a really cute shade of yellow and the shirt's black with a white-circles pattern. ♥

My mom hates the sweater though. Says she won't ever put it in the washing machine. -_- Damn her hate for yellow clothing! I mean, what kind of person doesn't like yellow clothing?? I ask you!


b-day, ravings

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