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Коллекция исторических карт David Rumsey
May 06, 2016 12:51
Около 120 исторических карт нанесены на Google Maps из коллекции более 150 000 карт.
Сайт проекта:
Все карты на Google Maps
Отдельный список карт:
World Globe 1790
World Globe 1812
Celestial Globe 1792
North America 1733
North America 1786
United States 1833
Lewis and Clark 1814
Mississippi River 1775
Western U.S. 1846
Alaska 1867
Hawaii Oahu 1899
Yosemite Valley 1883
Chicago 1857
Denver 1879
Los Angeles 1880
New York 1836
New York 1851
New York 1852
San Francisco 1853
San Francisco 1859
San Francisco 1915
Seattle 1890
Washington DC 1851
Washington DC 1861
Canada 1815
Montreal 1758
Montreal 1815
Quebec 1759
Quebec 1815
Mexico 1809
Mexico City 1883
Cuba 1775
Martinique 1775
St. Vincent 1775
St. Lucia 1775
South America 1787
Argentina 1867
Buenos Aires 1892
Brazil 1842
Colombia 1840
Peru 1865
Lima, Peru 1865
Europe 1787
England and Wales 1790
Scotland 1790
London Environs 1832
London 1843
Ireland 1790
France 1750
France 1790
Paris 1716
Paris 1834
Rhein-Province 1846
Oldenburg 1851
Der Harz 1852
Nassau 1851
Wurtemberg 1856
Hanover 1851
Sachsen 1860
Sachsen North 1852
Hessen 1844
Brandenburg 1846
Prussia 1847
Pommern 1845
Schleswig 1852
Possen 1844
Bayern 1860
Berlin 1860
Scandanavia 1794
Switzerland 1799
Spain 1701
Madrid 1831
Portugal 1780
Italy 1800
Rome 1830
Ancient Rome 1830
Ancient Greece 1708
Russia 1706
Russia 1776
Russia 1794
Moscow 1745
Moscow 1836
St. Petersburg 1753
Asia 1710
Asia 1787
Japan 1694
Japan 1891
Kyoto 1709
Osaka 1806
Tokyo 1680
Tokyo 1799
Tokyo 1858
Tokyo 1892
China 1801
China 1875
Beijing 1930
India 1804
North India 1794
Bengal 1800
Calcutta 1858
East Indies 1801
Middle East 1861
Egypt Palestine 1818
Palestine 1861
Palestine 1922
Arabia 1843
Asia Minor 1922
Persia 1922
Africa 1787
Congo 1708
West Africa 1789
Northwest Africa 1842
South Africa 1842
Egypt Nile Delta 1818
Egypt Mid Nile 1818
Egypt Upper Nile 1818
Australia 1842
Australia Southeast 1844
Maritime Australia 1840
Western Australia 1843
New Zealand 1843
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