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There is an information war going on!
Writer Beware, anti-scam board of the SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America), is in the middle of an information war with a group called
The Writing Agenda, who supposedly is reporting on groups that are misrepresenting legitimate business trying to hire writers.
This was brought to my attention via
Wil Wheaton on Google+ when he shared
John Scalzi’s blog post outlining the entire issue. Scalzi’s article points out numerous references which suggest that The Writing Agenda is not the well intention-ed but fed up group of people it claims to be but instead is likely a group of scam perpetrators attempting to discredit Writer Beware and other anti-scam groups.
And I admit the proof is somewhat compelling. The Writing Agenda seems to be trying to accomplish its mission not by informing people about how Writer Beware is wrong, but instead
pushing accusations and making character attacks against people associated with the group. You might think The Writing Agenda was attempting to campaign for a political position in the US.
Of course it is an information war, so every side’s content needs to be scrutinized before anything can be declared truth or real. Similar to the writer’s strike a few years ago, there is always the possibility that The Writing Agenda is correct and is just being run by a bunch of people who feel slander will have a better effect taking down other “slanderers” than rational facts. That being said, Writer Beware is backed by the SFWA which is a organization definitely designed to help writers.
I highly suggest, if you’re interested in writing, to go check this out for yourself.