Originally published at
A Singularity. You can comment here or
Hi. My name is Nojh and welcome to The Singularity.
By day I am software developer, writer, aspiring author, and game designer. By night, I usually sleep. I have many interests and hobbies such as comics, video games, board games, books, movies, science, technology, philosophy, and many other things most people would consider geeky.
The Singularity
As I’ve stated on
the about page, this blog is dedicated to collecting various things I find interesting on the web for your viewing pleasure. Hence the name, The Singularity, a place where things collect into one.
It is also a place for me to voice my opinions, reviews, and write articles about various topics from time to time. Comments are open to all and I want to encourage discussion. So please, tell me what you think. I know I haven’t been doing this nearly as much lately but stay tuned, I’ll get to it.
Other Stuff
Besides this blog I have a few other projects. I am attempting to write a novel, tentatively titled Everlasting. It is a zombie steampunk sci-fi fantasy adventure and I am chronicling its initial draft here. I also organize a private writing group called Anomalous Writing that meets physically twice a week. You can follow the posts
via the Everlasting tag or my thoughts or links about writing in general via the
writing category.
Speaking of writing, I also write a regular article series called Science Future for Escape Pod.
EscapePod is a podcast that buys and narrates short story science fiction for everybody’s listening pleasure. Science Future is written for their blog and is dedicated to discussing the scientific breakthroughs and their impact upon science fiction as well as the impact science fiction has had upon science. For more information about Science Future you can find the introduction article here. If you would like to follow Science Future you can do so by EscapePod’s
Science Future tag, or
The Singularity’s Science Future tag.
I am also one of the designers of the roleplaying game
Vanished Lands produced by
Ruminant Productions. Vanished Lands is a post-apocalyptic fantasy western RPG and is
available purchase via Lulu.com. The supplement book,
Vanished Lands: Storyteller Archive Vol. 1, is available at
Amazon and other online retailers. Right now I am working with the other designers to release a rules system for future Vanished Lands releases.
Thank You
I want to thank you all for reading and giving me a reason to keep this blog running. Readership is actually something I am interested in keeping. I’ve been running this blog actively for nearly half a year now and the numbers, near as I can tell, are growing. So thank you for spending some of your time reading this blog and I hope you enjoy it. The only thing I ask of you is, from time to time, let me know what about the blog you do and do not like via commentary either here, or one of the sites that this blog repeats on.