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So there is a book out there called Mogworld. It is written by internet famous
Yahtzee Croshaw. Most famous for his video series
Zero Punctuation hosted by
The Escapist. You might have seen one or two of this stuff appear on this blog before.
Anyway I’m here to talk about his book, Mogworld. It is a book about a video game, and the characters who live inside of it. It is also about a man who has a single purpose in his existence. He wants to die and he can’t.
A comedy in line with Yahtzee’s own brand of sarcastic and absurd humor, I found myself enjoying this book enough to suggest it to my friends who regularly play video games of the roleplaying variety. It is a good book. I didn’t find myself racing to read it every evening but I plowed through it averagely.
And now you can to, without any investment.
The first part of Mogworld (not the entire book) is being serialized at ABC.Net.Au.
Click here for the first chapter. More sections will be released until Part 1 is over, at which point you can go buy the book yourself or go ‘eh, not worth it’.
I figured I liked the book, why not let you give it a try too?