So first off, Portal 2.
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So that sent some chills up my back. Nothing new in the teaser other than to hear GlaDOS's sweet harmonic voice. I really do think she is awesome. So looking forward to that. I really need to install my new video cards for it...
Microsoft announced Kinect (previously called Natal) at $150. Not sure if that comes with any games or not. I doubt I'll be picking this up. I don't use my x-box much and honestly, I do think the lack of something in my hands is going to limit the Kinect's usefulness to create immersive games. That being said I saw a trailer for a game called Children of Eden that looks oddly enticing.
Click here for Children of Eden Trailer
Basically it looks like Rez. Rez was fun. But not worth $150.
Sony announced the Playstation Move (formerly Gem) controller at $50. The Playstation move requires the controller and the Playstation Eye, which retails currently for $40, but you can find cheaper pretty easily. Some games may require the Playstation Navigation controller which will sell for $30. Also a bundle was announced for $100 which includes a sports game, an eye, and a controller (but no navigation controller). So in the end the Move is going to cost you more, since you'll likely want to buy at least 2 controllers, navigators, and probably have to buy an eye. But a bundle+navi will only cost you $130. Slightly cheaper, if you don't mind playing single player for awhile.
The interesting thing to note is that they put out a list of games that will be updated to be compatible with the move. Heavy Rain is included in this list. As well as Resident Evil 5. Huh...
Click here for Playstation Move pricing infoClick here for Heavy Rain+Playstation Move ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
They've released some trailers for the new Zelda. Its an adult link, which I like, but the graphics so far look very Wind Waker. Not quiet cartoon-ish but definitely brightly colored. Since I REALLY liked Twilight Princess, I'm hesitant of what this artistic style means for story and game play. But I haven't really gotten to use my motion controller plugin for the Wii so I'm still vaguely looking forward to this title.
Click here for Zelda Trailers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The big thing that has my eyebrows raised in the Nintendo 3DS which is toting that its top screen is capable of displaying 3d without 3d glasses. So far everybody says that it works. Unfortunately it is not something that can be video taped. Somewhat interestingly they say there is a slider that lets you adjust the depth of the 3d or turn it off. Good idea. What is rather amazing is the software lineup already supporting it.
To see a list click here. The metal gear solid game... intrigues me in ways the PSP game does not, without having even told me anything about the game. Funny that.
One of the real shockers for the Nintendo is the announcement of a remake of Golden Eye 007 for the Wii. And man do the trailers look sweet. Golden Eye was really the first console shooter and in some ways one of the best. It pioneered other methods of interacting in the world of shooters more than just shooting or opening doors or getting hurt. At least for me. If they can improve the game without really changing the gameplay... I'd be all over that!
Click here for Golden Eye 008 Source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Another one that caught my eye is Valve is going to release Portal 2 for the PS3. For those of you keep tracking, this is pretty much a big WTF for Valve, since Valve's Gabe Newell publicly stated awhile back that the they prefer to make quality software and the PS3 was just too hard to program for and maintain Valve's standards. But then again Valve just went Mac too so many they're hurting too much to worry about their standards? Or is the PS3 really not that bad? But at least Gabe Newell was willing to eat his words a bit for the press conference. Now if we could only get Steve Jobs to do the same thing about eBooks.
Click here for Portal 2 on PS3 source