Pre-Novel Words: 33,310 (Delta: +589)
Novel Words: 0
So I did not succeed. My final count for NaNoWriMo was 32,721 words. That last week was just a killer. Thanksgiving, combined with socialization. There were days where I just didn't find the time to write. Obviously. And a week before, I didn't even try.
Why? Why not push? Well I think you can guess by how the entry started. I haven't decided to stop.
I mentioned in a post awhile back that 1667 words per day is an insane goal. Especially for those of us who hold a normal life style. Its a struggle and a push. Its meant to break us. Those of us who succeed, awesome. But its a firework, a burst of energy. It is not sustainable. What it does do is stretch your "muscles" and teach by experience. For example I have just spent about an hour continuing to write for Steampunk (working title). I got about 589 words done of the outline. A whole new chapter. I could write more but that honestly is a good number for sustained writing. I hope to get to writing about twice a week. At that rate I'll likely have the outline done by the end of the December and come January, I'll actually start writing the second draft/first manuscript draft/whatever I decide to call it.
Thats the plan. Plans change, of course. But for once, I feel like I've accomplished something. I've learned how I write (for now) and I feel I have something worth trying to write about.
There will be no more preview content until the outline is done. When the outline is done, I will probably spend some time fleshing out the main characters a little bit more. I am taking pre-requests for those who would like to read/review/critique the outline of my novel when it is done. Afterall one can't write in a vacume.
Buddy Watch!
I'd like to congratulate my buddy
Sithwitch13 for winning! You're an inspiration to us all and I for one would like to see what you've accomplished, if you don't mind sharing.
To the rest of my buddies, I hope you keep at writing like I am and, of course, there is always next year. Next time we'll try and better account for Thanksgiving, right? Heh.