The manga I've been translating about the girl baseball player, "Koukou Kyuuji Zawa-san" by Mishima Eriko has just come to an end it seems. The dread Sigil of Extinction "完" appeared on the last page of the latest magazine chapter I downloaded a short time ago. That's 198 chapters and, I presume, 12 collected volumes of slightly weird high-school baseball manga that wasn't much about baseball or high school or even the titular character Zawa-san, really. Funny and poignant and slightly off-kilter all the way.
Here's the last page of the manga, as Zawa-san says farewell to the baseball ground she's spent so much of her high-school life on.
Her exclamation is, I think, a formal wish for well-being (the online dictionary I use suggests "health and wisdom" for "ちゆ"). Being Zawa-san of course her bow, hands at her side is that of a man, not a woman...
The text on the bottom right is a message from the mangaka, thanking the readers for their attention to the series and ending with "until we meet again". I look forward to seeing what she does after this and who knows it might even become an anime some time in the future.