May 03, 2007 22:13
So I might have made a big deal out of that. I got worried.
To the people on the list: Karma will get you. What goes around comes around, right?
This month is starting out wonderfully.
-Spiderman 3 on Saturday... if I get tickets. If not, horror movie marathon with Em (or the Illusionist if we chicken out)
-After 9 years, I'm getting back into tennis. I'm so pumped.
-As if I have not mentioned it enough on this page, on MSN/YM, or in your face: PROM (including the after-party and camping), and the big 19
-It's pretty cool being put on a pedestal in my Bio class. The guys make it a big deal, but I can't complain. Ninety-two. Mmmhmmm.
-I get to miss so many school days this month due to:
-My age = signing out
-Stuff going on (i.e. Guelph Open House, tennis maybe)
-The senior fever (a.k.a. I-got-in-to-university-fuck-high-school syndrome)