My surgery went well. The surgeon was able to put the implant in that replaces my hearing bones so when I'm all healed I will hopefully have close to normal hearing in my left ear. I think that will be amazing. Like gaining a new sense. Or going from standard to HD. My poor hearing has a bad impact on my already poor conversation skills since I have to put so much effort into trying to figure out what people are saying. I'm hoping this improves my quality of life. But for now this recovery sucks. My head feels all fucked up. I get a little dizzy now and then and it's all swollen and tender around my ear. Still getting some drainage and when i press on a spot above my ear I hear a squish sound like air or liquid is trapped underneath. ick. Probably just being paranoid but sometimes I wonder if this is supposed to be happening. I'm going to call the doctor tomorrow and ask them a few questions to make sure everything is ok. I can barely tollerate talking or reading for long periods. I've pretty much just been laying around watching movies the past few days. I don't sleep well because of the pain and tenderness. Should hopefully be more bareable in about a week.
Me the day I got back from the hospital. Bandage is off now.