Nov 01, 2009 00:30
Apparently I fail to see when a woman is attracted to me. I was just at a lame party and this girl talked to me a bunch. My friends all said that she was all over me and I could have fucked her or whatever. I just thought she was friendly and interested in me since she's never met me before. I pretty much stayed off to the side the whole time there and she was talking to me much of that time. Oh well. She was kinda cute but I don't think I'd be into her.
I'm moving in with my mom for a few months. Then I'm probably going to be moving to Seattle. That's the plan. I'll only have to pay my mom a few hundred bucks a month for rent and utilities so I can save up some more money. I'll have one more harvest and then I'm outta California. So much for the business. I got the name started and everything but if I start that I'll never be able to do this. Plus, it turned out to be more complicated than I thought. So much paperwork and bullshit. I thought I would just have to fill out a few forms and that's it.
Sometimes I look at myself and think how childish I am. Other times I feel like an old man. I'm almost 30 and not sure what to make of it. I've gotten a couple of the "you're not married yet?" comments from people lately. what the fuck?