Off to Sarstown again this weekend!

Aug 30, 2003 00:56

It's almost 1am, and I still haven't packed for the trip tomorrow. I haven't been on line in over a week due to work. :(

My Corporate Travel position was taken over by someone else, so I'm going back to my old department again. This week I escaped the stress of daily work, as I was asked to do a upgrade training for 4 of my co-workers.

I never realized how hard it is to train people when one has not been doing the actual work in over 2 months. I managed to wing most of the training, as the manuals they gave me sucked donkeys.

I looking forward to a weekend of much needed relaxation. It will be strange not having K with me for this trip. However, I think I'll prefer it as he would not enjoy himself at all. He's always dissing my "bleepity bleep" music (direct quote from the K himself). Oh well, it's nice to have some time apart. This will only be the 3rd time in 6 years that we've been apart for more than 24 hours. I've already set him up with my Paddington bear as a surrogate moi. ;)

I'm hoping to see a few familiar faces while there, and I really hope I get to see J one last time before she heads of for a long, long while.

If anyone in TO wants to hook up this weekend, I'll be there from Saturday afternoon-ish until Monday afternoon-ish.

Have a great weekend!
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