and yesterday was very deppressing

Feb 10, 2007 13:26

how else can you put it? im offered a job making $11 an hour for a company i could stand to say i work for. i get there and they give me a 20 question test about questions nobody would fucking know. do they really expect to fill that new building with people who know exactly what means on a modem? good fucking luck. or they could, um, i dont know... FUCKING TRAIN PEOPLE!!! it would take me all of 2 days to study and know that shit! im a fucking nerd! i sit at home on the computer and i dont care about much else!

so how can i not be depressed... a respectable job offering $11 an hour and i dont get it. now i get to deep fry something that will kill someone over time for $6 an hour. life is fucking complex? no its not. god's like me. so bored he needed something to do, so he started all of this shit. kind of his version of the sim's...

so ya where the fuck is one supposed to go from here. a job that could have changed and fixed every problem in my life, to a job that has no respect of any form that only serves an empty daily purpose and only gets you by day to day. hmm... real fucking easy for so many of you, i guess you have what i wish i did- the ability to be delusional to whats true

happy time
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