Future Warning
Hotel in Dubai, Present day.
Lupin got dragged into this whole mess through one phone call. The sun hadn’t even risen that morning. He couldn’t sleep for some reason. Something didn’t seem right.
He felt a small buzz at his leg. Like a cat, Lupin looked down for the source. The laser green light of his phone flashed in the dark. Lupin raised an eyebrow at the ringtone.
Huh?, he thought. Who the hell… The thief reached down to answer it. But then, he paused halfway. What if it was a trap? Somebody stalking him? Nah, that’s silly. Pops wasn’t that smart. Persistent, but he wouldn’t go that far. The police? Nobody knows that he, Jigen, and Goemon are here. They slipped in under aliases and disguises. So who else was calling him?
Maybe, it’s not a trap. Maybe, it’s Fujiko. Maybe, she’s so lonely and wants a booty call at long last. Oh, lucky dog!
Yeah, right. Fat chance. Like she would ever fold that easily. Lupin shook his head.
Aw, I’ll just answer it, he thought. Lupin pulled his phone out of his pocket and hit call.
“Hello?” he asked.
“Oh good!” a man’s voice said on the other line. “I’m so glad I caught you!”
Lupin blinked at that phrase. “Who it this?”
“I’m you in the future.”
Lupin chuckled at that statement. “What?”
“I’m you in the future.”
Lupin paused, uneasily. “Okay…”
“Listen, there are some things you must know when you get to be me. One, don’t steal that White Celtic Stone in the History Museum on opening day.”
“What White Celtic Stone?”
“You’ll see. Two, get yourself the Hound Sensor. Best invention ever. It has gotten me out of many jams.”
“Okay… What is it?”
“A tracker.”
Lupin tried not to laugh. “And why would I need that?”
“Trust me; it’ll save your life! Oh, and when you meet Lyla, run!”
Lupin blinked again. “Huh? What? Why? What kind of joke is this? Who is this?!?”
But, the voice on the other line said no more. There came a buzz, then a click, and finally, nothing. Lupin looked at his phone. Not a single word made sense.
“What was that all about?” he mumbled.
Okay, what was that all about? To answer that question, they story needs to go back to the first present. Confusing, yeah?
Oh, it gets better. Hang on.
One for the Money
Lupin IV:
http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/169145/ The Section for it