Feb 02, 2009 22:35
So, I had this big post about stuff I miss, but then I mistakenly went 'back' and it went away, so I took it as a sign. I miss writing posts and conversating with you all in various forms. It's a really busy time with work, and I am enjoying it, but it can also take a lot out of me. There's so much more we could be doing that we overreach on a regular basis and make it look easy - which sorta screws us later on. The good news is everything is crazy successful, but I am behind in all but the least essential TV shows, my RSS reader's out of control, and people are keeping ME up to date on gossip.
It's just embarrassing.
Likewise are my abilities at returning phone calls and e-mails in a timely and reasonable fashion.
I also miss people - like, if you're reading this, I would lay good odds on my wanting to see more of you. Some of this is recent 'geez, it's been awhile' stuff, but some of it has been/is like 'WTF happened there?' Anyway, point being, I'm gonna try to hibernate less if possible. I'm better as it gets lighter.