GONE IN 30 SECONDS: Anti-Conservative Video Contest

Sep 22, 2008 20:07

Hello DoC Friends and Supporters,

Below is everything you need to know to put a dent in the massive advertising advantage the Conservatives have gained through superior fundraising.  We need an impassioned grassroots movement to create a wave of counter-arguments to the Stephen Harper is a nice guy who wears sweaters and feeds kids Cheerios message being disseminated through traditional media.

If the Obama campaign has taught us anything, it is that the internet and YouTube videos can be a powerful and legitimate force in an election campaign.  Use your imagination, use your intellect, and remember funny is far more likely to go viral.  Just ask Tina Fey.

Michael Wheeler
Central Coordinator
Department of Culture
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Speak up. Speak out. Speak fast.

The Department Of Culture wants you to get involved! Show Canada in 30 seconds how you feel about the Conservative government's dramatic dismantling of arts, cultural and social programs since 2006.
These submissions will be entered into a national online contest. Celebrity judges will pick the winning entries, which will be showcased at the DoC's huge This Is Not A Conservative Party concert, Oct. 9th at the Phoenix Concert Hall in Toronto.

DEADLINE: 9 a.m. EST, Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For entry details visit departmentofculture.ca/30seconds

Do you want to make a 30 second video for the DoC but don't have the gear? Trinity Square Video wants to help!

Drop by for 10 minutes at the TSV office (Richmond and Spadina). TSV staff will help you shoot and up-load your clip to YouTube. Leave with your Gone in 30 Seconds video complete!

Tuesday, September 22 to Friday, September 26
10am to 5pm

Trinity Square Video
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 376
Toronto, ON
(416) 593-1332

It just got easier to:
Speak up. Speak out. Speak fast.

film, call to action, politics

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