Jun 25, 2007 21:16
Ok sorry, I just like aliteration.
Moving on.
So i was reading the faq on DanRadcliffe.com. (no i'm not a regualr visitor I was only there for the new video's of the cast. .,.' don't judge me...)
Anyways, I was perusing the faq and one of them was addressing the question that Dan and the rest of the cast were getting too old to play the kids in the books. This really irritated me, because I mean they are only a couple of years older than their counterparts, some people are well into their THIRTIES before they stop playing teenagers. But that got me wondering, why is there so much attention on the ages of the actors? I mean do we see anyone questioning Tom welling playing a 18 year old? or hayden panetierre playig a 15 year old? Why is all the focus on the Harry Potter actors? And why these particular actors? I mean Alan Rickman is considerably older than Snape, though I love him in that role, he really IS Snape, and no one bats an eye really.
Another thing that irritates me is that the stupid interviewers in some of these junk its profess their love for Harry Potter, basically shaking and pretending that they're going to lose their cool because "IT"S HARRY POTTER" and they're "SOO EXCITED!" , and then they actually ask the questions. They are perhaps the most asinine questions on the face of this earth. Not simply because anyone who has actually seen the movies would know the answers to those questions, but because these self professed Harry Potter "fanatics" often get their facts and pronunciations wrong, or even forget the names of the characters all together. Before I go further, however, I am NOT saying that people that only have a basic knowledge of the books are not fans, just not the kind of fans that would tremble at the sight of Daniel Radcliffe, seriously they are mocking us. And really if you're going to interview someone at least get the facts straight about their movie! They do way better with some of the worst films that come out. Not that Harry Potter films are exactly oscar caliber stuff, though that really doesn't mean much these days. Well, maybe the scoring LONG LIVE JOHN WILLIAMS!!! lol I love the scoring! Anyway, back to what I was saying, there was one such interviewer that was shaking and making fun of herself, the whole bit, then she couldn't remember that Hermione punched Malfoy out in the third book, I mean really! When and why would she have punched Malfoy out in the fourth book? Well, ok she COULD have but she didnt!!
OH and the worst thing about tv interviews is the fact that they always boil it down to two points, the kiss and that it's darker. Of course it's darker you idiots!!! Stop stating the obvious!!! SEcondly, no one cares about the kiss between Cho and Harry, well ok, I don't but seriously it's kind of out of hand. It's every reporter sort of giving Dan and Katie that whole wink wink knudge knudge rhetoric! GAK it makes me sick!! They make it seem like they were soooo totally into it... I guess they should get used to it, those entertainment reporters make the same sophomoric remarks at every pass even to films geared to an older audience. Except then it's "ooh how about those sex scenes!". PLEASE!! What are they going to say??" OMG it fuckin hot !omg I am so leaving my husband/wife/ significant other!! " NO! they are going to say what they always say " it was anything but sexy, its like haveing sex/kissing/making out in the middle of a store with all those people watching you." Why don't they just stop asking???
ok I get that everyone has to cater to the people that watch/read about these junkets but I mean really!! Are we all that sophomoric, and unintelligent about cinema that all we want to know about is who snogged who?
asinine reporters,
harry potter,
daniel radcliffe