Well we've been back in the country for a few days now and had a chance to settle in once again (ie Go back to work). I've been meaning to get something down here to recount all the things that went on in the second two thirds of the trip, but there's so many that its all a bit overwhelming when I think about it.
For that reason, I've just put up a photoset of about 50 out of the 300 or so shots of the trip. They can be found at
http://www.noisymime.org/gallery/. I apologise for the quality of some of them, camera played up (Admittedly after being dropped) and many of the photos from the first week or so ended up being taken on my phone. To rectify this I bought a new camera in Malaysia (
Sony DSC-W90 for those interested in such things) which seems to have done a pretty good job for the later half of the trip. Enjoy.
Also, a big happy birthday to