I've been trying to resist this particular rant for a little while but it seems to be unavoidable now. There's no point beating around the bush with this matter and for some people it might be difficult to either hear or understand (Or both), but here it is:
The DaVinci Code is freakng fiction you whinging knobjockeys1!
This aimed at all those Catholics, Opus Dei's, art historians and forensic nuts2 who have maybe taken one too many puffs on the bong of anal retentiveness and consider this to be a personal insult aimed squarely at them and their priceless views.
Just so I didn't fuck up and make an idiot of myself in this rant, I looked up fiction:
fic·tion (f
- An imaginative creation or a pretense that does not represent actuality but has been invented.
No, I did have it right. The DaVinci code is fiction, its not true! Sure its based around some facts, but basically every fiction (Except maybe the fantasty genre) is. I've read the book and I'm off to see it tonight at the movies but I would hardly call myself a fan of it. As I read it, I knew that I was reading what is basically just drivel targeted to the masses, but, in short, it was entertaining and that is the sole function of fiction (Apart from maybe to make the author a few dollars)! If the story is a little more believable because the author decided to mix fact and fiction closely then all the better to immerse you in the story.
So, to reiterate. FICTION! Its a made up story people! If you don't like it, that's fine, just stop whinging to me about how its inaccurate here and doesn't take into account the facts presented by xxx there.
1) Is knobjockey one word or two? I've never been sure.
2) On a side note, why is it that nerd and geeks everywhere aren't up in arms over Dan Brown's other book "Digital Fortress" This makes a mockery of both the computing and mathematical fields, but no one is starting ad compaigns telling the herd what a load of BS that is?