I just heard the funniest tidbit of info from Alaina. Either she was just pulling my leg, or the world has gone mad. I'm probably really immature for finding all of this so funny. What am I saying? I know I'm immature.
My flu is still lingering, but I feel much, much better, and I don't think I need to say why.
Things that SHOULD be stressing me right now:
- speech to give tomorrow that I haven't even started doing research on yet
- overdue work for a client that wanted his project done last week. hit some daunting roadblocks. no love for Access VB.
- FSHN exam tomorrow which I also haven't studied for yet.
- room in chaos! still need to clean.
None of the above have really hit me yet. yet.
Are you supposed to wash grapes before eating them? If not I just ingested lots of pesticides and bug shit.
How can you tell when the paprika in your curry has gone bad?