Sep 09, 2009 14:09
We recieved a letter from LG&E that praises Centre College for the student decision to increase tution in order to offset the cost of using green energy. In the letter Abby from communications talks about the environmental awareness on campus. Recycling efforts have been expanding. Several professors have been making the move to have classes where there are little to no actual pieces of paper being used as a necessity in the classes by having electronic syllabi, having students email papers, etc.
So far in my graduate program at U of L I have been given MANY sheets of paper in my courses. I have already had to print several assignements because the professors do not want to have assignments emailed to them. I am, in fact, highly encouraged to print every reading off of blackboard in order to underline and annotate the margins. the number of pieces of paper that would require me printing every week numbers in the hundreds (I have actually only printed two of the smaller readings in order to more easily locate quotations for an essay, all other readings have remained firmly in the electronic realm).
This is mostly a tongue in cheek observation, but Jesus Christ, that's a lot of paper. I feel like I need to go hug the trees in my front yard and apologize.
In other university related news I am one of only a couple of people in the program to have a background in a scientific field of study. And I am getting real damn tired of the denigration of empirical science. Sometimes empiricism is the best epistomolgy to use, damn it. And there ARE some biological roots to gender stuff! It's not ALL constructed! AHHHHHH!!! (I never thought I would be one of the most "nature" people in the room after years of being one of the most "nurture" in gender courses at Centre. The times, they are a'changin' for me.)
Back to my copious amounts of homework.