Jan 10, 2005 00:22
it suffocates the very last breath in me to see you act like this. stop before the damage gets worse and what you fear so much might not happen. stop while you're ahead. Im giving you warning signs, but you dont heed to them, you ignore them like you ignore your problems. In the end they will catch up, maybe not now but soon enough, and what will you do then, what will you do when you have to face them and you have no one to blame now. Instead of shutting doors, admit you are wrong and open new ones..Stop being so selfish, stop living vicariously. Dont you see what you're doing. You're not bringing me closer...your widening the gap. This detrimental state you've reached has got to stop. you're not god nor will you ever be, you're far very far from that. Let go of my hand because your squeezing it too tight, until i finally slip and you'll lose me forever, if thats what you want go ahead, but I warned you, dont think I didnt, dont come crying in the end because you'll be the only one tasting those bitter tears. And I'll say I dont know you, because in actuality you're becoming a stranger, you are not the same person i knew, and each day you get closer to being forgotten. This is your warning, turn around and come back, or keep on going, but when you look back, I wont be there..