Post a song/vid from the eighties!!!!

May 31, 2008 20:47

LOL I think I need some kind of medical help.... Because I've totally fallen in love with the music from 80's !! 0_0
And no, I'm not talking about  CLASSIC ROCK from the 80's.... (because if you say you listen to CLASSIC ROCK you're obviously a cool person with great music tastes... xD )

No..... this is something more serious!!!   I find myself listening to all those pop songs from the eighties... Likes of this and this.... (and enjoying them too!!!)  Me!!! The heavy/metal/rock - lover!!!!!

Oh....And then there is also this song..... my latest infatuation *dies out of embarrassment*  (But,....but it's so catchy!!! xD)

image Click to view

Maybe I find them so listenable because they are so LOLZY (for obvious reasons xD)

Now what I want you to do is:
Please give me links to 80's most horrific music videos/songs!!

ETA:  THIS IS THE LIST OF SONGS LINKED TO ME:  (thank you honies!! You frighten brighten my day! ;D )

------(also some more in comments)---

She blinded me with science  and The Warrior  by
Come on Eileen by
La isla bonita by
Take on me and Rock me Amadeus by 
The safety dance and Video killed the radio star by
Neverending story by

maddness, music

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