Heh, I managed to change the look of my LJ a bit. *loves the new layout* The layout (
scratches) was made by
minty_peach but I changed it just a little, I made and added a header image and YAY! I managed to change the width too. First time trying that..... Maybe, just maybe, someday I will understand how to do html. ;D
And today I made 4 header images for myself, because ideas just kept coming and I couldn't quite decide what kind of headerpiccie it was that I wanted... And then I had the same problem with FO banners.....
And now I'll share them with you. If you like, you can take them (host them yourself & credit ) and you can add text and change the size if you want.
CLICK the preview pictures to get the bigger size. (FO banners are the size, they're supposed to be)
(And then I got tired. That's when the ideas become like this..LOL)