
May 02, 2015 20:31

Hi there! Made it here for some weird reason? Well this is my journal and it's mostly friend locked. I have some nonflocked entries, but the more personal ones are hidden. But don't feel sad, I'm telling you.... You ain't missing anything important .

Like it says there at the info page this is my fandom journal....and my number 1  fandom at the moment is (yeah, you might have guessed it right....) SUPERNATURAL.  (other things that I might get obsessed about every now and then are Dexter, Finnish Big Brother 07, LOTR, Vampires, Heroes, CSI+NY and horror movies ;D ) I also love slash, and you might will find some lot's of  links to slashy things here at my journal so you have been warned beforehand.

I'm open minded and sometimes a silly person (but mostly just crazy and a perv). xD I  may seem like an idiot and a dork sometimes because of my squees and random comments (but I can start a normal conversation too if you want me to LOL.) I just try to leave the negativeness and all the meta at the door when I enter this journal of mine. Here you don't have to be smart or witty. Just be yourself and comment when you feel like it. (Nowadays I'm quite busy with the thing called "real life", so I'm quite a poor commenter, but I do try whenever I get the chance to be online)

Don't be afraid to friend me (you just need to have a high tolerance for spastic persons...)
Also English is not my first language. (Again; you have been warned)

Click this if you wanna know something stupid about me...(It's a meme I made.) Also... Here is a interesting personality test I made....

If you still, after all that wanna friend me...Feel free. I love to make new friends! But please leave a comment and tell me something about yourself so I know who you are!  :D If you don't , I probably won't friend you (or I will spam you with messages )

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