My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulNoiseless-Night goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Flower!Dork!Yehsung.
animegirl29 gives you 13 pink vanilla-flavoured gummy worms.
ayacchuu tricks you! You lose 10 pieces of candy!
darkangelhate10 gives you 19 blue coconut-flavoured gummy bats.
je_sea_kah gives you 9 light blue strawberry-flavoured gumdrops.
jishu gives you 12 orange cherry-flavoured wafers.
lucid_acolyte gives you 10 brown root beer-flavoured gummy bats.
mikudaisuki gives you 6 red licorice-flavoured jawbreakers.
music_loner gives you 7 red licorice-flavoured jawbreakers.
pinkredwhiterm gives you 17 green coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
ryou_no_baka gives you 17 orange watermelon-flavoured gumdrops.Noiseless-Night ends up with 100 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by
I took this generator from
animegirl29 Hahahahaha for real, I hate sweet things xD!
What can I do with so many candies!
Oh and Ayachan.. you're so mean, if you wanted candy you should as.. not trick me --;!
Anyway, it was funny~! And my costume is so funny!
PLUS THIS: I laughed hard when I watched ths video for first time (the next times it isn't so good).
But you have to watch this! XD!
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