Benjy's Take 2!

Jan 07, 2012 22:21

so we just got back from "the annual company Christmas dinner" at Benjy's (it was moved to January to avoid drama with other people's holiday plans)

topics of interest included:
•Charline (Harvey's wife) being an alternative middle-school principle and her "75% Hispanic school" of teen moms & dads
•Cussing and the role it plays in the lives of children
•R-Rated movies (and the terror known as "Bridesmaids")
•Amy & Michael's child-bearing problems (as well as Amy's sisters lack thereof)
•Marketa's necessity to explain her family history of being prone to "death by getting hit by vehicles" to her physician

I miss my old boss.
I miss being able to be myself and not having to worry about the judgement of others (in this case, being scared that should they ever "discover the real Ashley" they'll no longer want me to be part of their staff)
It's scary shit man! I "need this job" man (in reality, I need anything that will provide enough money to get me out of debt, whether it be THIS particular job or not is not important... but to be completely honest I'm not really fond of the idea of loosing this job & having to find another with comparable pay).

In the end, I suppose everything ended well and none of those things nor my insecurities have any real threat of killing me (and you know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!) *deep sigh* but sometimes my personality would like to stop "working out" so much & just relax... THAT'S what I miss, I'm tired of feeling like I have to act a certain way, be someone I'm not all that HAPPY being (keeping in mind all the while that "You only live once!")

This was suppose to be a fast post... I'm ending this now lol


squishy yum yums, you understand me, don't you?.... *smiles* of course you do...

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