Oct 03, 2007 14:09
But I feel compelled to write here, because I was reading other peoples stuff, and yeah....
So I had an eventful day yesterday, and by eventful I mean I got to tie dye with the alliance. Mine came out like crap, because they have really ugly dyes, but it's better than alot of other people came out, so whatever, and it's just going to be warn on coming out day, so it's ok.
Even though I'm still definitely emotionally attached to Chris, and I thankfully realise that and don't plan on jumping headfirst into anything serious for awhile, my love life has been the most....dynamic? It's been in awhile. I don't think dynamic is really the right word, but you'll see what I mean.
There's this adorable (in kind of a punk/scene kinda way?) girl named Niko in my printmaking class. I generally assume women like her are far far out of my league, but after asking me if I was gay in the most convoluded way ever, we talked for most of class. I don't know, it's terribly unlikely that that will ammount to the tiniest bit of anything, but a girl can hope right?
Then there's Evan, who's my roommates ex. Which is kind of bad news, because they fight off and on, and I'm pretty sure he still likes her. But (when he's not being a dick) he's super adorable, and he's an artist. I've been promised an apology dinner from him (because he flipped out on me when he was mad because Sarah hooked up with Meghan) which I've also been promised is not a date for whatever that's worth, but we'll see. That's another one where the chances are very slim, but I'm ok with it in that case.
Ricardo: enough said. He needs to get over himself.
Rachel and I will always be together in our weird way no matter who else comes and goes in our lives. So she's the one thing that hasn't changed.
Tyler is this adorable kinda shy innocent hippie kid who goes to art school around here (not smfa w/evan though) I met him a couple of weeks ago, on a night when I was absolutely shitfaced, and we sat and talked about music for a few hours. I was probably hitting on him, but he didn't do anything about it. We've hung out a few more times since then, and I honestly think he might really be as nice as he seems, which is pretty impressive, and kind of too good for me, because I'm probably going to break his little heart, but I'm trying not to think of things like that. He also lives like 4 blocks away, so that's pretty handy. I stayed over there last night and walked home when he left for class, and it took me not even ten minutes.but yeah, I don't know what else to say about him...
See, maybe dynamic does kind of fit?
Well, since I'm at work I should probably stop gushing about my love life and think of what to get sarah to make her feel better (she's sick :-( poor baby!) and figure out how I'm getting to NH this weekend. and mmm there's pasta salad in the office across the hall.....*yum*