(no subject)

May 22, 2006 21:27

"If the Iranians were to have a nuclear weapon they could proliferate."-Washington D.C., March 21, 2006 President George W. Bush

I like that new Nelly Furtado song, promiscuous(sp?) girl.
Is that sad? I kind of think it is, but I really like it anyways....

I finially got my driver license today, I didn't get any wrong on the written, but I kind of had a panic attack while I was driving (when he was making me back into a parking space) it wasn't like, a hardcore panic attack, but it was bad enough to seriously fuck with me, ugh. But I passed anyways, so whatever, who cares right?

I really should do school work, I can't afford to fail two or three classes...
but I don't want to do it, ugh. Who the fuck assigns work to second semester seniors anyways? what the fuck is that?!

I might go to the beach tomorrow (after I go to wethersfield to pick up my license) with Jordan and Dani and whoever else. they don't really strike me as a 'beach' kinda crowd, but I'm sure it'll be fun if I can manage to go...

I still need a job, if anyone knows anywhere that's hiring, let me know? I would really appreciate it, and my standards are quickly lowering so yeah, come one come all, I need money goddamnit...

Xander found a turtle when we went for a walk the other day, it was a snapping turtle, and he wouldn't leave it alone, bastard. I kind of wish it had bitten him just to teach him a lesson, then maybe he'd listen to me when I tell him to leave something alone.

and heres the actual minor life update part:
this weekend I partied alot, I was going to hang out with mike and rachel friday night, but they went to a tournement in south windsor, and they did really well! (read mikes blog for more in depth coverage...) but I couldn't hang out with them, so me, Alex, and Joe B went to a party at Johns house, fuckign weird. I haven't been over there since like, 8th grade? I don't know, a long time ago. It's pretty much the same, I hung out with people who I don't really talk to alot, drank a moderate amount of tequila and managed not to even hit on anyone, I was proud :-) hah. I hung out with Marra Megan and Alex most of this time, and chilled with Jake for a bit, smoked dro with this guy who was carrying around a bottle of Korbel which ammused me a bit. Overall it was an OK time, not all people I really wanted to be with while drunk, but it was kind of cool to see like, AJ and find out that he remembered who the fuck I was, which was kind of surprising to me, I don't think of myself as very memorable...
we stayed at Joes that night (me and Alex) we kicked Joe out of his bed and slept there, but we had to wake up at like, 6:30 so joe could go to work, so we went back to Alex's house and slept more.
Saturday I spent time with Chris :-) and then we went to a barn party (basically like what Becky used to have alot in her loft) which was cool, before the party we went to the store and this crazy kid bought me yogurt, he was pretty cool I had way too much to drink for not eating much more than like, yogurt and a muffin that day, so I had my first real passing out experience, not so cool. I don't plan on trying that one anytime soon, and I always feel like an ass when other people have to take care of me. I thanked Chris alot already but; note to self-thank Jill. yeahp, that was an eventful night. We were going to rent a video that night but the place was closed so we just went back to his place and crashed. And I now have 2 people who don't like me smoking, blah, I don't do it all that often, so it's ok I guess.


this past wednesday was also very eventful...
Chris hadn't seen me the weekend before, so we decided to hang out wednesday, so we hung out for a bit, then went to Angellinos *mmm*
By the time we got back to my house my dad was back, and had already been home for more than an hour, as far as I can tell that hour was spent in his office nursing a bottle of Turning Leaf. Chris and I were watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and my dad came downstairs, and just stared at Chris for about 15 minutes, then told me to turn the TV off, and it was all downhill from there. Basically my dad was yelling and getting in Chris's face about the window incident and using the vocabulary and articulation of a 13 year old boy. Needless to say that was a real fun evening. I hadn't spoken to my dad since then, until the car ride to and from the drivers test today. This is pretty much the last straw as far as I'm concerned, he has lost any respect I had left for him, and that not for lack of second chances and third oppertunities.
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