pinkeye, bassnectar, and my sister's breakup

Apr 10, 2011 22:24

Eh, they both announced it on facebook. I'm not saying much more than that. It's gonna be hard on all involved, but... I can't say I'm surprised.
The last year I think they've both been unhappy. I obviously worry about my sister, alone in a new town. Even her 'local' support system is 2 hrs away. But really, that's all I'm gonna say about that.

I think I have pink eye. In both eyes. Started in the right one Thursday, spread by Friday... has made me miserable all weekend. I had been hoping it was just some freak allergic reaction to something, but... when I finally figured it might be pink eye Saturday... I just looked it up on webmd, and kinda laid low. Seeing the eye doctor at Shopko tomorrow. (Won't cost nearly as much as urgentcare I imagine.)

Mom & Dad bought me eyedrops (3 kinds in the last 3 days) -this last one a homeopathic one for pink eye... one of the key ingredients? Belladonna. Poisonous, isn't it?
Yup. Deadly, deadly nightshade. (This is where I swap out my Lenore bunny icon for my Nightmare Before Xmas one.)

It does seem to be helping. Much like the warm compresses. I slept A LOT between last night and today. I'm feeling run down. Mainly, it's the achy sinus-y feeling behind my eyes and nose.

Sucks, cuz it wasted my weekend. Still need to do my taxes. Planned on repotting some plants. As it was, I just got beligerent enough to sort some big buckets of rocks I got from C-dawg many moons ago for my birthday (along with his old rock tumbler.)  I washed them, sorted out the shark teeth and handful of stones I'm keeping (those that 'spoke' to me) and the rest, either are going to the neighbor kids (the Rault's youngest, who's in ... 1st grade now? ... has come over to our house and asking my dad or mom if she can look for pretty stones in our backyard. They usually let her (just not mom's big ones in the garden/flower beds). I asked her why she wanted them one time (thinking she might be a budding rockhound) "I'm gonna sell them." ... this when she was 4 or 5. She's a firecracker, that one. Dont' blame her, with an older brother and twin older sisters.

Waiting for the pink eye to clear before I go talk to their mom & dad about dividing up the rocks amongst them. It'll be like when I brought back shells from Florida. They were fascinated. I gave the oldest a bunch of shark teeth after I picked out the ones I wanted (seemed a waste to pitch them.) He's in.. 5th grade this year? Figured he was responsible enough.

Other than that... the only thing I did was go to Bassnectar. And I left early.
It was a combination of things.
Deadmaus has better visuals and sound - so that made it... not all that impressive.
The venue banned glow toys.
While I had friends there, I was alone. And the people I was meant to hang with were... coupled up.
And I don't like... big stupid,ill behaved crowds. People behaving badly , no... just without common courtesy for space. ( I stayed way back, out of the way, so I could dance with my friends - people STILL ran into me - despite 5 ft gaps of space around me. How narcissistic do you have to be to... oh nevermind.)
I'm used to ... ravers who know what they're doing. Not high frat kids. I'm spoiled to know the Peterson kids, so I presume most teenagers are that... mature at concerts. That I was also just at the rave in Oshkosh, experiencing PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect) in it's native environment.  (  - not a great definition - but... you get the idea)
Also, with me feeling mildly under the weather - and starting my period, I was cranky.   The "will call" ticket area was a mob-mess. It took 20 minutes to get my tickets.
Also, while I understand Bassnectar has a deep catalog, not playing any of his A-list stuff (crappy remixes of 80s songs with a dubstep bass) for over an hour and a half... um... fuck you. I know you're gonna be on stage a while, but, sucking till the last 20 minutes of your set doesn't make your ACTUAL fans happy.
The Onion kinda nailed it in their concert announcement - Bassnectar is agreeable for those who would rather sit at home and wear headphones than go to Burning Man. They meant it as a compliment, but... for me, very much a turn off.

Ultimately, I didn't feel bad leaving early. Wobble was going on at Electric Earth. The sound was better, I knew the people. I could sit and talk to friends who made me feel better. I'm just glad I was guestlisted and didn't pay for the ticket.

Heh, completely removed from all of that, I just completed "Kitty Check." This is a nightly ritual my mother and I go through, because my dad goes to bed at 9pm. Because I raised/treat Switch as a dog, he gets to do things like go outside on the back deck on a leash, or roam around in the garage. My dad has the bad habit of leaving him outside/in the garage and going to bed, forgetting him. After he spent a night outside, Mom and I instituted "kitty check" when she goes to bed. I am invariably upstairs in my bedroom, reading or on my computer. Switch may be curled up on the bed with me, or off hiding somewhere. (He is a cat, with free run of the house.)
Or.. he may be locked in the garage.
Like, tonight.
That's where I found him.
Kitty found. Check.

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