and let the random hate-mail flow

May 25, 2010 16:27

Really, I should have created a blank account to forward this, trying to 'educate' a few people.
I'm just gonna get hatemailed from a bunch of conservatives I don't even know.

A conservative friend on a msg board (that has nothing to do with politics I might add) forwarded me two ridiculous e-mails. I don't even know her really. I expect she will probably drop me from facebook. Oh well.

Apparently someone is trying to use the Arizona immigration law and or immigration reform as a rally point. They dug up a 2006 California high school student protest and doctored the text to make it look like it's happening now.
(The photos depicted the American flag being turned upside down on the flag pole, and strung up under the Mexican flag.)
I(having nothing better to do today) spent 5 minutes googling the high school - which led right to Snopes (the urban legend site) and read up on what really happened.
Then I e-mailed back the whole lot of them.
All the CC copied nonsense -forwards, which... no one bothered to delete.
Below is what I sent and links:

People I don't know:
I understand that incidents like this are shocking. But please don't forward nonsense like this without checking your sources first.
This incident happened in March 2006. It got plenty of media attention then.
The students weren't even from that high school. (Associated Press- the real media)

I'd also like to point out, based on the e-mail that followed this, that Obama wasn't even President then.
I don't approve of what happened, then or now.
I'd rather not be personally hate mailed or start a political discussion, but please don't spread propaganda and blatantly false things like this.

(who at least knows enough to Bcc ppl and delete entire e-mail lists when she forwards things)

and that last snarky comment will probably get me more hate mail than anything.
But... if even one Southern Soccer Mom of retirement age feels embarrassed enough by being duped to stop forwarding dumbass hate mail, I feel it was worth it.

C-dawg or someone else can now comment with the Internet Law I just idiotically broke... but yeah.
I'm unemployed, have no money and no reputation. People who believe and forward stuff like this are usually not internet savvy enough to extract quality revenge by signing me up for donkey porn or (worse) Fundamentalist Xtian newsletters.
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