scary dream time: the haunted piano

Feb 08, 2010 12:21

So I woke up, apparently because I was traumatized and couldn't deal with it.

We had an upright piano when I was a kid. I took lessons. I dunno, I never liked it.
In the dream, I DO NOT TRUST the piano. But I have to go near it cuz that's where this old-style, friggin' dial up computer for the internet is. For some reason the screen is balanced on the top of the piano. When I went in the other room, it ATE THE COMPUTER. I know, because the plug in and phone cord are trailing out of the top.
I go tell mom, who won't believe me that it's HAUNTED. She has cleaning to do.

So I decide, FINE, I will get my sister, we will CLEAN OUT all the files & music stored IN the piano and GET RID OF IT. Unfortunately, this means we have to lift the front off, and I KNOW it's gonna try to EAT me. So Lisa's holding it open, I'm grabbing files and yelling at it, telling it I KNOW it's evil.

We carry the files in the other room, and it possesses one of Mom's wall paintings, a la Harry Potter. We CANNOT look away. I'm yelling for Mom to see this. Then the piano starts turns the bookcase into a series of tableaus of the 7 deadly sins from the middle ages.
I was freaking out.
Finally Mom comes in - and it stops. But the piano is SMOKING like it's on fire.
I run over and start pounding on it (with my wallet?) and yelling at it to Stop it!STOP IT! STOPIT!

That's when I woke up.

Have a go at that Freud.


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