Dec 11, 2009 15:23

So, for my intro to library sciences class, we had to prepare mock grant proposals in groups. Research, possible funding, partners, budget, timeframe... the whole she-bang. At the end of the semester, we presented our proposals to the class (prior to turning in our final paper.)

One of the groups had this proposal for Lincoln Elementary, in Madison, where one of the students is a teacher's aide, and another group member has a daughter. It was for purchasing playaways, which are like self-contained, self-playing audio books. It's to help the children's comprehension rates- because there are a lot of English as a second language students, and it's a high poverty district (apparently something like 70% of the students are on the free student lunch program - which is a measure of poverty.)

So, I'm on paperbackswap.com. Duh. Have been for years. They have a book drive program for schools this holiday. Members donate credits, pbs matches them, and donates 1000 books to the schools they pick.
I thought it was a serendipitous match - and it would, possibly, free up money in the budget for their playaway project if -IF- they were chosen.

I had to contact the principal (Ms. Hoffman) to get the okay prior to suggesting the school. She said fine.
I just helped a school!!!

Thanks + Giving = Books for Kids!

Dear Members,

During this season of thanks, our thoughts naturally turn to those who may need a little help….

At PaperBackSwap we believe in the power of reading and the power of giving. That’s why we are so pleased to bring you our first in a series of Charitable Programs where your unused book credits can make all the difference!

We’ve started with our School Donation Program, designed to provide deserving elementary schools with books for their students. These books will be used in the classrooms and/or given to the students to keep. We’ve chosen three Title One schools in rural Henderson County, North Carolina, to start. All of these schools have a high percentage of students receiving a free or reduced -fee lunch. These kids are eager for books, but their school libraries' funds have been cut, and the public library is in town, not easily accessible to the rural children. Being able to borrow from the classroom (or having books simply given to them to keep at home for reading) would be a wonderful change.

For each credit you donate, PaperBackSwap and our supporting organizations will provide an additional book! This means the school you designate will receive not just one, but two books for each credit you give to this program! Once a school has reached the goal of 500 donated credits, PaperBackSwap will ship all of the books to the school, for free.

Click here to visit the site and learn more about this program and the schools involved

Below are our first three schools filled with students who would love to receive a book from you.

Happy Thanksgiving from,
Richard & The PaperBackSwap Team


Dear Ms. Hoffman,

My name is XXX with PaperBackSwap.com. I am coordinating our Book Donation Program for Schools, and we would like to include Lincoln Elementary school in our next round, which is starting next week.

Your school was suggested for PaperBackSwap.com's School Book Donation Program by one of our members, Nicole, and I understand she has spoken with you about this. With this program, our members donate credits toward elementary age books that will be sent to your school free of charge! There is no cost to you for the books or shipping.

If you are not familiar with the program, please follow this link and take a look at our first round of schools that were featured last month: http://www.paperbackswap.com/donations/schools.php
The response was overwhelming as our members quickly and generously donated to the program. These schools are receiving and enjoying their free books right now!

In order to get your school enrolled in the program, I will need these things as soon as possible---Monday would be the best:

1. Permission from the Principal
2. A short letter or paragraph write up from the Principal that describes the school, students, area and economy... why they need these books, how they will use them, etc. (please see other schools' write ups for ideas)
3. Additional notes from any other teachers would be great, too. Pictures are really encouraged--it really helps the members connect with the school.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the program. I look forward to working with you and sending lots of books to your students!
Thank you.
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