Dec 15, 2010 22:56
In reaction of these recent events, there are now six students who happen to be at risk of losing any respect society has for them. Not to mention the wounds and any other traumas such but not limited to wounded pride. I believe its time to talk about what this represents, to be honest.
If people are gonna ask what do us "not human" kind want, well allow me to answer this for you. The fine points: diplomacy, compassion, standards, manners, tradition... that's what we're reaching toward. Oh, we may stumble along the way, but civilization, yes. The Geneva Convention, chamber music. Everything society has worked so hard to accomplish over the centuries, that's what we aspire to; we want to be civilized. You take a look at this fellow here.
[There is a Pokedoll in his hand now... And suddenly, Blue Flames swirl around it, setting the doll on fire and slowly being consumed by this Will-o-Wisp]
Now, was that civilized? No, clearly not. Fun, but in no sense civilized. Now, bear in mind, none of us has been in Sumabura before. There are the classes and seminars - we'll have to find out how to get around those. There's also a lot of street crime, but I believe we can watch that for free. We want the essentials. Dinettes. Complete bedroom groups. Convenient credit, even though we've been turned down in the past....
What I am getting to is that we want to receive the same chance and the same respect no matter what our ideals or physical appereance is like. As an example, we already try to blend in with Humans and Human-like people out of pure respect. We expect the same... I will not take vengance upon anyone, but I will not be in doubt of attempting to settle this business in a more diplomatic view.
To the community, If any needs to talk, Ill be more than glad to moderate this issue.
As for the culprits, Justice is in hand of the school... I would be careful as well as repentful.
Thank you for listening.