"Tinypic is no longer accepting uploads from international locations, and links are turned off. If you have content on Tinypic, you can still view the URLs and the content, but only on Tinypic. To upload, share, or link content, please go to Photobucket.com to register an account. You will need to upload your content again to your Photobucket account, but you will be able to share and link your images and videos. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy Photobucket, our premier image and video site."
but... i'm in australia and i can see all these images. so.
jw, would it be at all helpful if i reuploaded images to a new host and left the new links in a comment on old posts? or would that just complicate things for you?
That'd be very generous of you. But for now I'm just slowly going back and replacing the old images. I wouldn't want to ask that of a member, and it wouldn't really complicate things as much as fluster me a bit. Thank you though, I appreciate it :)
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"Tinypic is no longer accepting uploads from international locations, and links are turned off. If you have content on Tinypic, you can still view the URLs and the content, but only on Tinypic. To upload, share, or link content, please go to Photobucket.com to register an account. You will need to upload your content again to your Photobucket account, but you will be able to share and link your images and videos. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope that you enjoy Photobucket, our premier image and video site."
but... i'm in australia and i can see all these images. so.
(The comment has been removed)
jw, would it be at all helpful if i reuploaded images to a new host and left the new links in a comment on old posts? or would that just complicate things for you?
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